Tech Notes

A kind of lab notebook. Let’s be real, this is as much to remind me of what I’ve done as it is to share with others.

Notes on Zoned Storage / Host-Managed SMR · · hmsmr hardware

Streaming Video on Demand with Hugo · · video

Jade's Basic Tech Toolkit · · travel tools fieldwork

Unwanted IPv6 on Proxmox VE bridge · · proxmox PVE IPv6

Google Registrar rejecting your name servers? · · dns google vpn

AWS DataSync Agent on Proxmox · · aws proxmox pve

Ruckus ICX 7450 crash on IKE key rotation · · brocade ruckus vpn

Exploring the Ubiquiti USW Flex Mini · · hackery ubiquiti

DIY environmental monitor · · ESP-IDF hardware

Fan not spinning on Auvidea J121 + Nvidia Jetson TX2? · · ARM Nvidia hardware

Repair Mackie CR4 speaker select switch · · hardware repair

Quieter fans for Juniper EX3300 switch · · hardware hacking

OpenWRT on Meraki MR58 · · OpenWRT MR58

Inside the Meraki MR58 · · Hardware MR58

Replacing a failed disk in SmartOS · · SmartOS

Ubiquiti AirFiber 5X: the perfect medium-capacity backhaul · · Ubiquiti WISP

Ubiquiti AirFiber24HD: Solid improvement with excessive hype · · Ubiquiti Marketing WISP

Cisco site-to-site VPN with outside VRF · · Cisco VPN

Power & IO connector for Cisco 2955 · · Cisco WISP

IPv6 via 6rd on Charter with Cisco IOS · · Cisco IPv6 Charter

Management Configuration in Ciena SAOS · · Ciena

Basic Configuration in Ciena SAOS · · Ciena

A zone named management on a Juniper SRX · · Juniper SRX Firewall

Cisco CSR 1000V on SmartOS · · SmartOS Cisco BGP

Home directories and SMF Error 96 · · SmartOS SMF

Mikrotik DHCP & FreeRADIUS with a hint of unlang · · Mikrotik WISP

Enable SNMP write on Canopy Radio · · SNMP WISP

Continuity of Blog · · misc